
AMD Reports Loss of $0.23 Per Share, Graphics and OEM Business in Decline - Quarterly Earnings Report Q2 2022

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Avant-garde Micro Devices (NASDAQ: AMD) has posted its earnings for the second quarter of 2022. The visitor reported a loss of $181 1000000 or $0.23 per share. In Q2 2022 last year, AMD had churned out an operating profit of $63 Million but internet loss of $30 Meg (or $0.05 per share). The company had previously adjusted its second quarter outlook thereby issuing a warning of decreased guidance.

Share price history showing the effect of the updated outlook.

AMD (NASDAQ: AMD) Q2 2022 results out - Reports loss of $181 1000000

After the updated guidance, AMD's share price had crashed from $2.49 to $2.0. After the earnings written report today, it is at present currently at $1.87. From the updated Q2 2022 outlook to the earnings phone call today, this is a full decrease of approximately 23% in stock price - a very significant number. The EESC segment and channel business had experience growth but the expressionless wight that is the current states of AMD's (NASDAQ: AMD) compute side and the competition offered past Nvidia on the GPU side resulted in declining performance. Keep in mind that this particular earnings report does non deport the full brunt of acquirement offered by the Fiji flake and is limited to the Hawaii side of things. Given beneath are the GAAP and Non-GAAP Financial Results for AMD for the Fiscal Second Quarter of 2022.

AMD GAAP Fiscal Results Q2 2022

WCCFTech Advanced Micro Devices GAAP Financial Results
Q2-15 Q1-xv Q2-fourteen
Acquirement $942M $1.03B $1.44B
Operating income (loss) $(137)M $(137)1000 $63M
Net (loss) / (Loss) per share $(181)Grand/$(0.23) $(180)Yard/$(0.23) $(36)One thousand/$(0.05)

AMD Non-GAAP Fiscal Results Q2 2022

WCCFTech Avant-garde Micro Devices Non-GAAP Fiscal Results
Q2-15 Q1-fifteen Q2-14
Revenue $942M $1.03B $1.44B
Operating income (loss) $(87)M $(thirty)Thousand $88M
Net (loss) / (loss) per share $(131)M/$(0.17) $(73)M/$(0.09) $38M/$0.05

The visitor reported a revenue of $942 meg, falling below the billion marker from Q2 2022 when the company reported revenue worth $i.44 Billion. Sequentially, this is a decrease of eight% form Q1 simply an admittedly staggering decrease of 34% Yr over Twelvemonth. The subtract in APU sales and the charge ($33 Million) incurred by shifting to FinFETs is one of the major causes for the decrease (nether accounting prudence, charges have to be deemed for in the catamenia they are incurred).  Interestingly, the net loss and loss per share have remained more or less constant sequentially. The debt has too remained flat at $2.27 Billion from Q1.

AMD (NASDAQ: AMD) has seen a decrease of 29% from Q1 2022 and 54% Twelvemonth over Twelvemonth from Q2 2022 in the computing and graphics segment revenue. Information technology'southward OEM business took a major hit, which is why we are seeing AMD shift a bit of focus to OEM products as well with the launch of the R9 300 series. The side by side quarter however should see a much more positive trend thanks to the GPU sales generated by the Fury chips and the new OEM lineup that AMD (NASDAQ: AMD) deployed. While the visitor would exist hard pressed to brand a turn around and study a profit, healthy growth is really all that matters right now. The PC Market is getting undoubtedly hard to play in, with a general trend shift to size compress and niche shift.


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