
Microsoft altering the update communication

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Microsoft has come up under fire more than than once for the lack of advice between the team and consumers when information technology comes to updates rolling out for Windows Phone. Today Eric Hautala, General Manager Customer Experience Technology, published an article on the Windows Telephone team web log detailing changes that are in the pipeline that volition change how we are kept upwards to speed on Windows Phone updates.

The Windows Phone website already details what updates are rolling out for each supported carrier (and country), simply individual releases are also covered on the official blog and the "Where's my update?" page. In the coming months, Windows Phone users tin keep upwardly to date past checking the Windows Phone Update Key site for update information. Hautala explains,

"There are also a few changes on the way for the blog and website. Equally nosotros go on our growth, nosotros won't be individually detailing country, model, and carrier details on the Where's My Phone Update? site any longer. And instead of my weekly web log posts, the official Windows Phone website volition be the main place for news and information about our updates, just as Microsoft Answers is at that place for your support questions."

Hopefully this move won't stimey the flow of information on our Windows Phone updates.

Too as the above alterations, Hautala took a moment to give thanks all Windows Phone owners for the feedback the squad has received surrounding the update process, which has helped them perform tweaks and enhancements. He encourages everyone to go on the cards and letters coming via the WindowsPhoneTeamSite, Twitter and Facebook.

The future is set to be adequately vivid. Roll on CES 2022.

WP Central

Update:The directly link is expressionless for some reason, only the commodity is still up on the main site.

Update 2: Link stock-still

Source: Windows Phone Team Blog;thanks, ousooner314, for the tip!

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