
Meyer Sound Mapp System Design Tool

Welcome to Meyer Sound Labs MAPP 3D Help and Instruction pages! These pages provide the information needed to create projects, along with reference materials and a user forum. The information is searchable. The drop-down menus above are structured from left to right to present instructions in a logical, progressive order.

We appreciate hearing from our customers! If you have suggestions on improvements to MAPP 3D, or other software products, please share them with us. While we can't respond to every suggestion, we will evaluate each one for implementation. When submitting feature requests and bug reports, please visit, select SOFTWARE SUPPORT, and use the form to submit feedback.

For personal assistance, please visit, select TECHNICAL SUPPORT, and use the form to create a support case.


These webinar videos describe the basic functions and operation of MAPP 3D using a simple venue example.

User Interface Overview
Add Primitive/Geometry, 3D Example
Import Drawing
Insert Loudspeaker System
2D Prediction in 3D Space
Add Geometry and Extrude
Predict Results in Model View
Predict Results in Measurement View
Processors and Sync with Compass Software
Add Fill Loudspeakers

These are the roundtable discussions, presentation followed by questions/answers.

Roundtable #1 Help, Feature Requests / Bug Reports, Main User Interface, Viewports, and Importing Drawings
Roundtable #2 Insert Objects & Geometry, Change Geometry Reference Point, Modifiers, SPL vs. Attenuation in Model View, and Optimization Strategies for Faster Predictions
Roundtable #3 Headroom (Delta dB) and Processor Linking
Roundtable #4 Design Methodologies and Reviews


MAPP 3D presents users with an intuitive interface to create 3D models of venues, add loudspeakers and microphones, and optimize a system design using Meyer Sound Labs products. This page provides detailed information about the MAPP 3D interface and functions.

Operating Systems

MAPP 3D runs on the current versions of MacOS and Windows operating systems. Though it may operate on earlier operating system versions, proper operation has not been tested.

Video Monitor Display

MAPP 3D supports 1280×768 up to HD and Retina resolution displays. Higher resolutions may scale incorrectly or cause application instability. Please update graphics drivers to the latest version, which may enable 4k resolution.

Welcome Window

Welcome Window – Opens On Application Launch

The Welcome Window offers several options:

Create an Empty Project

Open an existing Project from a storage device

Activate/Deactivate the MAPP 3D application

Open Recent Projects (displays recently opened/saved projects)

Open a Template (displays available MAPP 3D Project Templates)

Click CHOOSE after selecting a recent Project or Template. Click CANCEL to close the application.

Project Properties

When a new project is created, the Project Properties window is displayed. Basic information about the project and venue can be recorded here. This information is saved as part of the project file (.mapp).

Project Properties

Main Application Window

Main Application Window

Inventory/Express Settings Tabs

Inventory: View All selected; click icons to display only Geometry, Signal Processors, Loudspeaker Systems, or Microphones.

Express Settings: Use the drop-down at the top of the tab to select an object; displays the common properties for editing. For all object properties, use the Object Settings tab.

Generator Gain Level

Adjustment of signal level for all loudspeakers in model; affects SPL values.

Generator Signal Type

Pink Noise, B-Noise, or M-Noise; see definitions.

Pressure Map Settings

Select bandwidth, frequency range, and center frequency of prediction (SPL values valid only for bandwidth and frequency selected—use Headroom Tab for broadband SPL).

Click PREDICT to generate an SPL/Attenuation map for any geometry that has been selected for prediction in the geometry's Object Settings. Click CLEAR to remove all of the prediction data.

SPL Data

Shows Maximum and Minimum dBSPL(z-unweighted) and the SPL difference across selected prediction planes.

Power Calculation

Select to open the Amperage and BTU calculator at to calculate system current requirements and thermal dissipation.


Select, Pan, Orbit, Distance Tape Measure, Scale, Rotate, Align, Mirror, Zoom In, Zoom Out, Zoom to Extents, and Array.

Primitives/Modifiers Tabs

Primitives: select 2D/3D Primitive presets or Free Draw to add to model.

Modifiers: provides tools to modify 2D/3D Primitives.

Properties/Layers Tabs

Properties: select Geometry in Model tab; displays basic settings of selected Geometry; can edit.

Layers: click name once to select as current; can rename; provides lock/unlock, show/hide, ADD and DELETE buttons.


Select view displayed in Model tab; click CREATE NEW to open Camera (View Point) Management window.

Project File Name

Shows current Project file name.

Contextual Pop-Up Menu

Right click in Model to open. Left, standard menu. Right, with imported drawing, includes Select Snapping Tool.


Sound Pressure Level or Attenuation Scale: selected via FILE>PROJECT SETTINGS, SPL Tab. SPL plot values are only for the selected bandwidth, up to one octave wide.

Main Tabs

Select Model View, Object Settings, Processor Settings, or Measurement View.

View Preset Drop-Down

Select view (camera) position from the default or custom views (created by clicking CREATE NEW in Viewport tab).

Main Window Tabs

At the top of the Main Window, there is a row of tabs used to switch between Model View, Object Settings, Processor Settings, and Measurement View14.

NOTE: Tabs can be un-docked from the application window by double-clicking the tab. To re-dock the tab, double-click the top bar of the un-docked tab.

Model View

Displays the Model Space, including any geometry, loudspeakers, microphones, and imported graphics. Change the view using the drop-down in the upper left 15 or the Viewport controls 10.

Model Tab – Single Viewport, Multiple Viewport

Object Settings

Displays editable properties of geometry, loudspeakers, and microphones. Select one object in the Model tab, switch to Object Settings tab. Objects on locked layers are not editable.

Object Settings Tab – Select One Object In Model Tab, Switch to Object Settings Tab

Processor Settings

Displays control points for signal processor parameters. These controls can be bi-directional with Compass to control the settings of a Galileo GALAXY processor. Use TOOLS > SIGNAL PROCESSING MANAGEMENT to link.

Processor Tab – All Processor Controls

Measurement View

The data for microphones inserted in the model is plotted in the Measurement View tab, including transfer functions, impulse response, 1/3 octave output levels, and maximum SPL.

Measurement View – Frequency & IFFT Response, Headroom

Additional Tabs


Used in Model View, there are preset views and custom views that can be saved and recalled. Change the view from the drop-down in the upper left of the Model View tab 15 or by selecting an option from the Viewport tab10. The Viewport tab has four Viewport preset buttons and the Multiple Viewport toggle. The Create New camera view button opens the Camera Management window, where Cameras are managed, or TOOLS > CAMERA MANAGEMENT.

Camera Selection, Viewport Buttons, Camera Management Window


Located on the left side of the application window1, the Inventory tab provides an overview of all the objects in the project. Objects must be on an unlocked layer to modify them.

Inventory Tab

Express Settings

Express Settings are located on the left side of the application window 1 . To display and edit basic settings, use the drop-down menu at the top to select different objects. To edit all object parameters, select the object in the model and switch to Object Settings tab 14. For numeric entry, select value and enter new value or use up/down arrow keys to increase/decrease value. Objects must be on an unlocked layer to be modified.

Express Settings Tab


Located on the top, right side of the application window 7, the Tools tab uses icons to represent a collection of actions and functions that can manipulate both the objects in the model and the appearance of the model. These tools apply to all entities that are visible in Model View: geometry, loudspeakers, and microphones.

Available Tools In Model Tab


These icons represent the primitive shapes that can be added to the model and modified8. Primitives are used to represent the geometry of the venue or are added to CAD drawings where pressure plots are desired. Primitive types include 3D shapes, 2D shapes, and a Free Draw option. The Free Draw tool is used to create polygons by entering coordinates or clicking in the Model View for each vertex.

Available Primitives


Primitives can be manipulated in various ways by using modifiers8. Extrude and Trim modifiers apply to only 2D Primitives. Offset modifies both 2D and 3D Primitives. Union, Intersect, and Subtract apply only to 3D Primitives. Objects must be on an unlocked layer to be modified.

Modifiers – 2D and 3D


When a Primitive is selected, its properties will be displayed in the Primitives tab9. Different properties will be displayed depending on the geometry that is selected, but generally include position, orientation, and size. Objects must be on an unlocked layer to be modified.

Object Properties


All layers in the project are listed under this tab9. Layers embedded in an imported DXF or SKP are also listed. Layers can be toggled between, locked/unlocked, made visible/hidden and renamed. Use the ADD and DELETE buttons to modify layers.  It can be helpful to hide certain layers to work within a model. Use the Layer Management window to change layer colors, merge layers, and make bulk changes.

Layers Tab, Layer Management Window

Other Interface Features

Main Menu

Main Menus – Used For Various Operations

Generate Documents

Use FILE > EXPORT to select documents to create.

File > Export Sub Menu – Available Documents

Signal Processor Connection

TOOLS > SIGNAL PROCESSOR MANAGEMENT opens a window to manage processor connections. The processors used in the MAPP 3D Project can be connected to real or virtual Galileo GALAXY processors. The settings can be pushed either direction when connecting MAPP 3D to Galileo GALAXY processors. Control is bi-directional once settings are synchronized.

Inventory – Signal Processor Tab, Signal Processor Management Window, Galileo GALAXY Signal Processors

What's Next?

Please see Download, Installation, and Activation next.

For personal assistance, please visit, select technical support, and use the form to create a support case.

Meyer Sound Mapp System Design Tool


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