
Apple-Samsung Patent Battle Now in Jury’s Hands - cobbentoo1954

A cardinal-person California panel will Begin their deliberations Wednesday in the landmark patent battle between Apple and Samsung. The case, which has been argued since the beginning of the month, pits two of the earthly concern's largest electronics makers against each other and could result in billions of dollars in fines depending on the jury's decision.

The case revolves close to a handful of patents covering the look and flavor of the iPhone and iPad and some of the icons on the devices' place screens. It's one of several legal battles the companies are fighting about the world only, given its emplacemen in the heart of Silicon Valley and some Orchard apple tree's Cupertino central office, it is perhaps the most closely watched.

Lawyers for Orchard apple tree and Samsung spent their final examination afternoon ahead of the panel Tues making their closing arguments.

During a 75-minute demonstration, Apple attorney Harold McElhinny reviewed some of the many hundreds of pages of grounds and testimonial produced during the cause and bestowed them as grounds that Samsung by design sought to bring about what McElhinny called "iPhone knock-offs."

The documents included an internal Samsung psychoanalysis produced in 2007 that discusses the iPhone's strengths and press reports that trumpeted the iPhone's "revolutionary" design.

"In 2007, Steve Jobs shocked the phone world," McElhinny said. "A 4-year elbow grease had gainful off. Apple turned all over its future to designers and they came up with the iPhone."

Apple alleges that Samsung has sold 22.7 million cellphones in the U.S. since June 2010 that infringe on Orchard apple tree's patents and, in and of itself, argues that Samsung should be made to pay capable $2.75 billion in indemnification.

"Samsung makes playfulness of our damages take. They brand fun of us for asking for billions of dollars," McEhinny said. "The damages should be magnanimous because the infringement is monumental."

If the jury decides there was infringement and that information technology was deliberate and willful, the judge in the case could triple the award.

Samsung lawyer Charles Verhoeven didn't argue that the phones weren't similar. Or else, he countered that similarities in the design were due to natural product evolution in the phone industry and that no evidence was presented showing consumers being broken away phones from the deuce companies.

"The reason they didn't furnish any evidence is because there is no," he said. Apple is "interrogatory you to forestall its biggest competitor from giving consumers what they want — smartphones with big screens."

Verhoeven framed the case as a combat that could pretend the entire business of invention in the U.S.

"The rattling reason Apple is bringing this case is because kinda than compete in the marketplace, Apple is seeking a competitive edge in the courtroom."

Verhoeven told the jury that no damages are due because there was no violation, but if they discord and decide money should be salaried then they shouldn't give attention to Orchard apple tree's figures because they are based on revenue and not profit.

The closing arguments followed a good morning in which the jury was read many than 100 pages of instructions for its deliberations. The case also involves two of Samsung's U.S. business units and alleges violation away more than 20 of its handsets on some points. As a result, the jury faces more 700 decisions on its finding of fact form.

The character, number 11-01846, is 'tween Apple and Samsung in the U.S. District Court for the Northern Dominion of California.

Martyn Williams covers flying telecoms, Silicon Valley and general engineering science breaking news for The IDG News Service. Follow Martyn happening Chirrup at @martyn_williams. Martyn's e-mail address is


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